Sets A New Standard For Waste-Derived Fuels
Engineered to the Highest
We’re able to transform the entire waste stream, including biogenic waste and non-recoverable plastics, into a fuel that can meet the highest customer specifications.
Compared to refuse-derived fuel (RDF) which has become a growing industry in Europe, NovaFuel has less moisture, less chlorine, and is produced with significantly less energy required.
Unlike solid recovered fuels (SRF), which is considered a higher quality fuel than RDF because it’s made from already dry, mainly commercial waste feedstocks, NovaFuel converts mixed MSW to meet high-quality fuel specifications because of the NovaDry technology.
NovaFuel can be compacted and baled for easy, low-cost transport to customer sites.
Every ton of NovaFuel (approximately 15MMBtu of energy) produced from MSW avoids 3.4 CO2 equivalent emissions from landfills.
NovaFuel can be easily integrated into existing industrial operations that have boilers or cement kilns consuming solid fuels like coal or biomass, enabling cleaner power, cement, or sustainable fuel production.
Ideal For Emissions-Heavy Industries
Industries That Benefit
An ideal alternative to burning coal or tires to produce clinkers in cement kilns, reducing emissions in cement production.
Can produce 24/7 renewable electricity in existing coal power plants or in new, low-cost waste-to-energy plants.
Can be used to produce clean fuels and green chemicals like sustainable aviation fuel and renewable methanol.