Material Recovery Facilities

Material recovery facilities (MRFs) have varying rates of recovery for materials and end up sending mixed or biogenic material to landfills or mass burn facilities.

Our NovaDry system is the perfect fit to increase material recovery rates at existing facilities.

With NovaDry, single-stream MRFs that sort out paper or plastic can turn residual waste that would normally be sent to the landfill into NovaFuel - increasing their material recovery rate to up to 95%

Mixed-stream MRFs that take municipal solid waste can add the NovaDry system on the back end of their process to create a TotalMRF, increasing material recovery rates up to 90%.

NovaDry system can be rapidly installed in just a few months to integrate into existing facilities.

Many local governments have set aggressive landfill diversion rates and NovaDry can support these efforts and reduce disposal costs at existing facilities.