What does Earth Day mean to us at Novastus?

Reflecting on the origins of Earth Day back in 1970, its evolution resonates deeply with our mission. Initially, actions like planting a tree symbolized a commitment to environmental awareness. Today, the urgency to safeguard our planet has only intensified, especially as many of us are parents and grandparents, aspiring to leave a healthier Earth for future generations.

Eight years ago, our involvement began with an enlightening experience at a renewable energy conference in Southern California. The innovative uses of waste material to generate energy captured our imagination and spurred us to action. Fast forward to the present, and we are proud to stand at the forefront of transforming waste management through our pioneering technologies.

Recently, as we transitioned from research and development to commercialization, we chose to rebrand our company. This was a significant step in demonstrating our enduring commitment and readiness to make a tangible impact. Our team has dedicated countless hours to refining our non-thermal drying process for waste feedstocks, which is not only effective but also cost-efficient and less carbon-intensive.

For us at Novastus, Earth Day is a poignant reminder of our foundational goals. We may not yet be a towering oak, but we are steadily growing and laying a robust foundation for a sustainable future. Each small step is a vital part of our journey, and we are committed to contributing positively to our world.


Ekamor Resource Corporation is now Novastus